EVENT UPDATE: Valentine's Hike

Due to warm temps and slushy/muddy conditions, this hike will be at a NEW location and there will be no snowshoes. If you registered, you will receive updates by email. If you haven't signed up, you can still do so until end of day this Wednesday, February 7, with the form at the bottom of this page.
In 1997, what is now called the New Amsterdam Grasslands was identified by Craig Thompson, a founder of Mississippi Valley Conservancy, as one of the most important areas of conservation, primarily due to the fact that it provides critical nesting habitat for rare grassland birds. Since then, much has been done to protect it for all who live in the area.
At this Linked to the Land hike, small groups will be guided by our conservation experts: Abbie Church – Conservation Director, Levi Plath – Land Manager, and Pat Caffrey – a long-time board member and site steward with the Conservancy. They'll be sharing the story of New Amsterdam Grasslands and its role in protecting diverse plants, wildlife, and community health.
This Linked to the Land hike is offered by Mississippi Valley Conservancy and sponsored by Olson Solar Energy with in-kind media support from WXOW News 19.
This is a 2.8 mile hike on relatively flat mowed trails. No special equipment is needed. All ages are welcome! NO dogs allowed.
Bring your own thermos of hot chocolate or your beverage of choice, and we'll provide cookies for after the hike!
Trail Condition Alert: With rain in the forecast for Thursday and Friday, there is a slight chance that this hike will need to be canceled so as not to damage the trails. Final confirmation, directions and details will be sent out on Friday, Feb. 9.
Advance registration is required by end of day Wednesday, February 7, for this free event.
From La Crosse, take Hwy 53 North. Exit onto Hwy 35, heading west toward Trempealeau. Continue about 1/4 mile and turn left on Rotterdam Avenue. Proceed about 1/4 mile and watch for our gathering near a side gate to the property. Please watch for volunteers who will be directing parking along the roadside.
NOTE: Please do NOT park at the trailhead on Old County Hwy NA. The ground is too soft for parking at this time, so we have move the meet-up location for this hike to Rotterdam Ave.